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Food Drive
For several years there have been two weekly sailing events held in Stamford: the Breakwater Irregulars’ Tuesday night Races, mainly for spinnaker boats, and the HYC Thursday night Twilight Races for non-spinnakers.

October Cookout
Even before its founding in 1641, the City of Stamford has been a sea-faring town. It was a major port of entry for merchandise shipped here from the United Kingdom, Netherlands, and elsewhere in Europe; it was a dispatch point for agricultural and manufactured products being distributed by sea to New York City, other colonies and to Europe; and it was a major fishing community as well. Some of the earliest community leaders in Stamford were merchants who initially established their reputations as sea captains during the early 1600s, Captains Turner and Underhill among them. Acknowledging this rich maritime history, today the seal of the City of Stamford features a three-masted schooner at its crest.
In 1986, The Mayor’s Cup Race was initiated
— according to an official proclamation issued by then-Mayor Thom Serrani — to maintain Stamford’s association with the sea, and to “… foster community spirit and expand our community’s pride in one of our City’s greatest natural resources, our waterfront, while highlighting one of our favorite recreational activities, boating.” Also, the Race — hosted by a true community yacht club, Halloween — fosters splendid community spirit and extraordinary community pride.” Bernie Weiss, who was Commodore in 1986, at that time reminded HYC members that “… the City is our landlord, and our lease with the City obligates us to serve Stamford’s public interests. The Mayor’s Cup Race is both a glorious and a painless way for us to do that.” Since Day 1, The Mayor’s Cup Race has been co-sponsored by Halloween Yacht Club and the City of Stamford.

The Summer Is Winding Down
What a season!
The Halloween Yacht Club was founded in 1926 by Commodore Al Phillips and 16 other fishermen with small boats. They acquired several acres of waterfront property by leasing it from the City. This lease is renewed periodically, and today, although the Club owns its clubhouse, the Club still leases the property from the City of Stamford. It is the only parkland that generates revenue for the City of Stamford.
The leased property was, and still is, part of a larger municipal park. This land, on the shores of Long Island Sound, was originally owned by the Homer S. Cummings Family, which willed the land to the City of Stamford. The City took title to Cummings property on Halloween Eve, 1926, and thus the original name, Halloween Park.
The name of the Park was subsequently changed back to “Cummings” to honor the family and its gift, but that portion of the land dedicated to the yacht club retained the Halloween name. The founding Commodore of the Club was Alfred N. Phillips, Jr. Commodore Phillips was a popular man about town. He had been Mayor of Stamford and Representative to the United States Congress.
One of the Club members, a local commercial artist, designed the Club’s first burgee to include a black witch riding her black broom on an orange field — Halloween colors. And so the name Halloween Yacht Club was established and remains to this day.

Ahoy July
The Halloween Yacht Club is a true community yacht club. Anyone may join, taking advantage of the Club’s year-round social, educational, and recreational programs. But only bona fide residents of Stamford may berth their boats at the Club. There are 134 berths, which accommodate sailing and power boats up to 35 feet, summer and winter. The modern dock system floats, and it is equipped with electrical and freshwater service, with a de-icing system for winter. All of these improvements were accomplished by members, who volunteer their time.
Maintenance of the facilities is a year-round volunteer activity. From time to time, due to erosion of its banks, the lagoon must be dredged; this is either accomplished by or paid for by members. The buildings and docks are periodically upgraded and expanded. We are proud that HYC members continue to volunteer their time to manage and operate the club, whether it be painting the building, repairing the floats, cutting the grass, or serving on one of the club’s management committees.
HYC has always championed for a healthy environment and pollution-free waterways. Many of the Club members actively campaign for a cleaner environment through volunteer community based organizations such as the Stamford Harbor Management Commission, Sound Waters, Young Mariners Foundation, Save the Sound, the Navy League, the Power Squadron and the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. Throughout our long history the membership has included many who are active in City of Stamford government, distinguished professionals and yachtsmen.

New Docks Installed
Recently, our docks have had a wonderful makeover, having all new wood replaced on the much needed older runs.
The Halloween Yacht Club was founded in 1926 by Commodore Al Phillips and 16 other fishermen with small boats. They acquired several acres of waterfront property by leasing it from the City. This lease is renewed periodically, and today, although the Club owns its clubhouse, the Club still leases the property from the City of Stamford. It is the only parkland that generates revenue for the City of Stamford.
The leased property was, and still is, part of a larger municipal park. This land, on the shores of Long Island Sound, was originally owned by the Homer S. Cummings Family, which willed the land to the City of Stamford. The City took title to Cummings property on Halloween Eve, 1926, and thus the original name, Halloween Park.
The name of the Park was subsequently changed back to “Cummings” to honor the family and its gift, but that portion of the land dedicated to the yacht club retained the Halloween name. The founding Commodore of the Club was Alfred N. Phillips, Jr. Commodore Phillips was a popular man about town. He had been Mayor of Stamford and Representative to the United States Congress. One of the Club members, a local commercial artist, designed the Club’s first burgee to include a black witch riding her black broom on an orange field — Halloween colors. And so the name Halloween Yacht Club was established and remains to this day.

Hooks for Heros
A Yearly Tradition
- 6:00 AM: Fishermen Cast-Off
- 1:00 PM: Weigh-In for Largest Fish Caught
- 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM: Ceremonies, Raffles, Cook-out and Live Music
In the first five years, the tournament has raised over $38,000.
“Our Stamford Hooks for Heroes is one of the most successful tournaments of its kind,” said Pat Buzzeo, event chair.
100% of all entry fees, sponsorships and donations will support the Disabled American Veterans Stamford Chapter 13’s Operation Gift Cardproject, which benefits patients and their families at Walter Reed National Military Medical Hospital.
The military men and women use these gift cards to buy items for their families from the Post Exchange.
“Stamford is the birthplace of Hooks for Heroes, a great event that brings our community together to support disabled veterans who have put America first,” said Richard Muskus Jr., Patriot Bank President. “Patriot Bank deeply and wholeheartedly supports America’s veterans and is incredibly honored to give back and support this local tournament.”
This year, with the support of Patriot Bank, more wounded veterans than in prior years will be able to make the trip from Walter Reed Military Hospital in Bethesda, MD.
Tournament participants will compete in two different fishing categories: largest bluefish and largest bass, both by weight. Local veterans, as well as patients on leave from Walter Reed, accompanied by their families will participate.
Watch a video of last year’s event here.